TIL (Today I Learned) - Programmatic programming #1
Today's 3 Line Summary
- It is your life. Software development skills are in demand in the world. You can change it if you have frustrated the job.
- You should be responsible for what you did. Don't blame others, don't excuse problems. Don't leave broken windows(bad designs, wrong decisions, or poorcode)
- Your knowledge becomes out of date. As the value of your knowledge declines, so does your value.You should keep learning.
TIL (Today I Learned) date
The scope I read today
Foreword ~ 1.A Pragmatic Philosophy
What you want to remember in the book
- you can change your organization or change your organization.
- Don’t blame someone or something else, or make up an excuse.
- but it is up to you to provide solutions, not excuses
- That’s the way it must be with software: don’t cause collateral damage just because there’s a crisis of some sort.
- Great software today is often preferable to the fantasy of perfect software tomorrow.
- Don’t spoil a perfectly good program by overembellishmentand overrefinement.
- As the value of your knowledge declines, so does your value to your company or client
- Pragmatic Programmers embrace documentation as an integral part of the overall development process.
- Participate in local user groups and meetups -> Isolation can be deadly to your career
How did you feel reading it today?
- Under the theme of pragmatic philosophy, it was about the mind that pragmatic programmers.
- I sympathized to "participate in local user groups and meetups - Isolation can be deadly to your carrer" in Tip 9 "Invest Regularly in Your Knowledge Portfolio", Because that make overlaped with my current situation
- It took much time to read english version. I should read again translate version
- I counld't understand IC chip story in topic 5 Good-Enough Software